Utah Tech University

Ethical Concerns

This hotline is independently operated to help ensure confidentiality.

How do I Report Improprieties or Other Concerns?

Any dishonest or improper act by an employee (i.e. that violates the law, wastes money, or endangers public health or safety) is of great concern to the University. All employees should report suspected improprieties. Improprieties can be reported to:

  • The employee’s supervisor
  • Directly to a higher level if the supervisor is involved
  • The Internal Audit Department
  • (435)652-7619 or e-mail: pinegar@utahtech.edu
  • Our Ethics and Compliance Hotline
  • Hotline: 1-877-874-8416 or online: Silent Whistleblower

This telephone and online hotline have been designated to receive information about improprieties or other concerns and is operated by an independent company to ensure anonymity unless the caller wants to provide their name.